
Undergraduate Students

Registration takes place in two passes, with undergraduate students assigned four-hour appointment times during each pass. This two-pass registration system ensures that all students have access to the most critical courses and that access to registration is distributed fairly throughout the student body.

  • During Pass One, students can register and waitlist for up to 17 units.
  • During Pass Two, students can register and waitlist for up to 19 units.
  • During Schedule Adjustment, students can register and waitlist for up to 28.5 units.

For more detailed information on the registration process, see Register for Classes.

Registration Pass Times

Access to registration is by class level; seniors first, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. Class level is calculated according to the number of units completed at the end of the term immediately preceding registration.

Undergraduate class level is as follows:

  • Freshman          0—44.99 units
  • Sophomore      45—89.99 units
  • Junior               90—134.99 units
  • Senior              135 units and above

Students eligible for priority registration receive an earlier pass time regardless of class level. 

Graduate Students

Graduate students may enroll in courses any time Schedule Builder is open during Pass One, Pass Two, Open Registration, and Schedule Adjustment.

  • Students can register and waitlist for up to 25 units.

Professional School Students


If a course is closed, students can choose to put themselves on a waitlist. Waitlists for closed courses are established on a first-come, first-served basis beginning with Pass One registration appointments and continuing through the 12th day of instruction when a class conflict does not exist. Students who place themselves on a waitlist will be added automatically to the course as spaces become available, when another person drops the course, or the number of available seats in the course is increased. When a student is added to a course from the waitlist, the student is notified by email. All wait lists end after the 12th day of instruction.

Please note that waitlisting for some courses is not available during Pass One.

Auditing Classes

The right to attend University classes is limited to registered students who are properly enrolled in the class through regular or open enrollment. At the instructor's discretion, individuals who are not registered students can be allowed to audit classes. Instructors who allow such individuals to audit classes should clearly define the extent to which they expect the auditors to participate in the class. Students with an incomplete in a course who wish to audit another offering of the course should not register for the course again.

Course Prerequisites

See Faculty & Staff Information on Prerequisites and Academic Senate's Committee on Elections, Rules and Jurisdiction (CERJ) recommendations on prerequisites.

Registration Freeze

The Registration Freeze is the period of time starting on the registration fee payment deadline that ensures that timely payments are properly applied to student accounts and provides an opportunity to clear registrations and enroll students from the waitlist.

Drop for Non-Payment

Please see Drop for Non-Payment & Student Payment Deadline.