Administrative Codes
AD - Administrative Drop
DE - Deceased
DN - Dropped - Non-Payment
DP - Dropped - PTD
DR - Drop of Illegal Repeat
DS - Dismissed
DU - Drop-Duplicate Section
PD - Deferred Enrollment
RA- Registrar Appeal
RD - Retroactive Drop
RE - Registered
Cancelled Codes
CA - Cancel
CC - Course Cancelled/Crse Dropped
Drop Codes
DD - Drop/Delete
D1 - Dropped - 1st Week
D2 - Dropped - 2nd Week
D3 - Dropped - 3rd Week
D4 - Dropped - 4th Week
D5 - Dropped - 5th Week
D6 - Dropped - 6th Week
D7 - Dropped - 7th Week
D8 - Dropped - 8th Week
D9 - Dropped - 9th Week
DA - Dropped - 10th Week
DB - Dropped - 11th Week
DC - Dropped - 12th Week
DF - Dropped - 13th Week
DG - Dropped - 14th Week
DH - Dropped - 15th Week
DI - Dropped - 16th Week
Major Codes
If you need to look up a specific major code and the status of a major or minor, use the Major History Search tool.
PELP Codes
1P - FFA/New - PELP-1st Week
2P - FFA/New - PELP-2nd Week
3P - FFA/New - PELP-3rd Week
4P - FFA/New - PELP-4th Week
5P - FFA/New - PELP-5th Week
6P - FFA/New - PELP-6th Week
7P - FFA/New - PELP-7th Week
8P - FFA/New - PELP-8th Week
9P - FFA/New - PELP-9th Week
AP - FFA/New - PELP-10th Week
BP - FFA/New - PELP-Week 11 thru 16
P1 - PELP-1st Week
P2 - PELP-2nd Week
P3 - PELP-3rd Week
P4 - PELP-4th Week
P5 - PELP-5th Week
P6 - PELP-6th Week
P7 - PELP-7th Week
P8 - PELP-8th Week
P9 - PELP-9th Week
PA - PELP-10th Week
PB - PELP-Week 11 thru 16
PC - PELP-Cancel
PL - PELP-Cont Std (Fees Not Paid)
Registration Error Codes
XA - Maxh WL Reg Error
XB - Hold WL Reg Error
XC - Dupl WL Reg Error
XD - Time WL Reg Error
XE - Corq WL Reg Error
XF - Link WL Reg Error
XG - Preq WL Reg Error
XH - Athl WL Reg Error
XI - Appr WL Reg Error
XJ - Levl WL Reg Error
XK - Coll WL Reg Error
XL - Majr WL Reg Error
XM - Test WL Reg Error
XN - Camp WL Reg Error
XO - Rept WL Reg Error
XP - Rpth WL Reg Error
XQ - Clas WL Reg Error
XZ - Dropped; waitlist expired
Withdrawal Codes
AW - Withdrawn - Administrative
N1 - FFA/New - Withdrawn-1st Week
N2 - FFA/New - Withdrawn-2nd Week
N3 - FFA/New - Withdrawn-3rd Week
N4 - FFA/New - Withdrawn-4th Week
N5 - FFA/New - Withdrawn-5th Week
N6 - FFA/New - Withdrawn-6th Week
N7 - FFA/New - Withdrawn-7th Week
N8 - FFA/New - Withdrawn-8th Week
N9 - FFA/New - Withdrawn-9th Week
NA - FFA/New - Withdrawn-10th Week
NB - FFA/New - Withdrawn-11 thru 16
W1 - Withdrawn-1st Week
W2 - Withdrawn-2nd Week
W3 - Withdrawn-3rd Week
W4 - Withdrawn-4th Week
W5 - Withdrawn-5th Week
W6 - Withdrawn-6th Week
W7 - Withdrawn-7th Week
W8 - Withdrawn-8th Week
W9 - Withdrawn-9th Week
WA - Withdrawn-10th Week
WB - Withdrawn-Week 11 thru 16
WH - Withdrawn - Hold Obligation
WK - Withdrawn-Returned Check
WL - Waitlist
WP - Withdrawn - Previous Term
WX - Withdrawn-Ineligible to Return
Old Codes
CN - FFA/New - Cancel
CP - FFA/New - Cancel/PELP
DM - Demand
DW - Drop Via the Web
DX - FFA/New - Deceased
DZ - FFA/Cont-Read - Deceased
LV - Leave of Absence (Old SIS)
LW - test
PN - PELP-New Std. (Fees Not Paid)
PW - PELP - Withdrawn (Old SIS)
R1 - Withdrawn-1st Refund Period-SS
R2 - Withdrawn-2nd Refund Period-SS
R3 - Withdrawn-3rd Refund Period-SS
S1 - FFA/Cont-Read - PELP-1st Wk
S2 - FFA/Cont-Read - PELP-2nd Wk
S3 - FFA/Cont-Read - PELP-3rd Wk
S4 - FFA/Cont-Read - PELP-4th Wk
S5 - FFA/Cont-Read - PELP-5th Wk
S6 - FFA/Cont-Read - PELP-6th Wk
S7 - FFA/Cont-Read - PELP-7th Wk
S8 - FFA/Cont-Read - PELP-8th Wk
S9 - FFA/Cont-Read - PELP-9th Wk
SA - FFA/Cont-Read - PELP-10th Wk
SB - FFA/Cont-Read - PELP-Wk 11-16
T1 - FFA/Cont-Read - Wthdrwn-Wk 1
T2 - FFA/Cont-Read - Wthdrwn-Wk 2
T3 - FFA/Cont-Read - Wthdrwn-Wk 3
T4 - FFA/Cont-Read - Wthdrwn-Wk 4
T5 - FFA/Cont-Read - Wthdrwn-Wk 5
T6 - FFA/Cont-Read - Wthdrwn-Wk 6
T7 - FFA/Cont-Read - Wthdrwn-Wk 7
T8 - FFA/Cont-Read - Wthdrwn-Wk 8
T9 - FFA/Cont-Read - Wthdrwn-Wk 9
TA - FFA/Cont-Read - Wthdrwn-Wk 10
TB - FFA/Cont-Read-Wthdrwn-Wk 11-16
WS - Withdrawn - (Old SIS)