My Degree is an online advising tool that allows both students and advisers to track students’ progress towards completing a degree, as well as plan future terms and certify a student’s degree at the time of graduation.
For questions or inquiries regarding My Degree, please contact the team at
Access to My Degree is maintained manually by the My Degree team and must be requested separately from OASIS access. As with all systems that allow you to access student data, you must complete FERPA training in order to receive access to My Degree. In order to request access, please send an e-mail to including the information listed below and Cc your supervisor and Dean's Office Director:
- Lived name
- Job title
- Department
- Undergraduate college affiliation
- Supervisor's name
- Business need for access to My Degree
- Access level (Advisor with Exceptions or Advisor without Exceptions)
We will also need email confirmation from your supervisor that the business need and access levels are accurate and valid.
If you are requesting Advisor with Exceptions level access in the My Degree system, you will need to complete training as outlined below. After completion of training, you can be granted exceptions access in the live My Degree system by meeting any requirements set by your Dean's Office Director.
Onboarding & Creating Exceptions
This training is intended for staff and faculty in an advising role who plan on using My Degree to advise students, input exceptions for degree requirements, and certify the completion of degrees. Training is now offered in a one-on-one format and can be performed in the trainee's office or in the Office of the University Registrar. The training is tailored to the user's specific needs and can include:
- How to navigate My Degree.
- The differences between the various types of audits.
- Creating five different types of exceptions in a test environment.
- How to use the “What If” function to project a student to different major, minor, and catalog combinations.
- How to use the "Look Ahead" function to see where the audit would place future coursework.
My Degree users must have completed FERPA training in order to receive training; if you do not have a valid FERPA training, please complete the online course in advance of requesting My Degree training.
Training can take between one and two hours, depending on your intended access level and role in advising. Please email to request training and include some days and times you are available.