UC Cross-Campus Enrollment Program

Getting Connected with the UC Cross-Campus Enrollment Program

Please Note

All courses offered through UC Online must be properly approved as an online course for UC Davis.

Even if your online course content is the same or similar to your in-person lecture course UC Davis Academic Senate Policy requires that you submit the course for approval as an online version.

The UC Cross-Campus Enrollment Program (UC CCEP) is funded by UC Online. It is a system-wide program that allows students from any UC campus to enroll at other UC campuses using the Cross-Campus Enrollment System (CCES).

Financial support and technical resources are available to help you set up a course in an online format. In order to receive UC Online funding, you must submit a proposal. Once your proposal is approved for funding by UC Online, you will work with ATS & CEE to submit your project plan to COCI.

Scheduling Your UC CCEP Online Course

Read more about it!

Find more information about the UC Cross-Campus Enrollment program and the UC Online.

After your UC CCEP course proposal is approved you must schedule your course so that it is available in the CCES for enrollment.

Once a year, UC Online staff managing the UC Cross-Campus Enrollment program will request your teaching plan for your approved UC CCEP course(s).  Then you will schedule your UC CCEP course(s) with your Department Scheduler the same way you schedule all of your other courses. 

Because the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) scheduling unit is not aware of the annual Academic Plan you submitted to the UC Online, the OUR schedulers will: 

  • Contact your department each term, after the second open maintenance scheduling period, to verify that your online UC Davis course will also be offered in the Cross-Campus Enrollment System.
  • If the course is to be offered in the CCES, a separate section of the course will be scheduled in Banner for all non-UC Davis student participants.
  • One month prior to enrollment opening for the upcoming term, the UC Online staff will send you a request to confirm the course offering(s) and will request the following information:
    • Enrollment caps
    • Whether you will allow non-UC matriculated students into this course
    • Section information
    • Faculty/instructor bios and photos
    • Course syllabus
    • Proctoring information

Proctoring Information

Proctoring Resources

The Committee requires that midterm and final examinations (generally required in all undergraduate courses) be proctored to ensure that the person taking the examination is the student receiving credit.

Examinations must be given in a traditional classroom or an Academic Senate-approved testing center (as listed below). Exceptions must assure that examinations reflect individual student work and that a student's rights are protected under Academic Senate Davis Division Regulation 538.

Current list of testing centers:

ProctorU is a pay-for-service proctoring company used by other UC campuses, however, UC Davis is not currently partnered with this service.

The Davis Division of the Academic Senate requires that all exams (midterms and finals) given in an online course be proctored.

Therefore testing for non-UC Davis students in your online courses will require arrangements with a testing center.

Scheduling final exam dates for UC Davis students

After the close of the second open maintenance scheduling period, a scheduler from OUR identifies all the courses that are being taught virtually (courses with course numbers ending in a “V”). The OUR scheduler contacts the department and asks when the final exam will be held. Instructors have three time options for virtual courses:

  • TBA block 5; Block 5 is for virtual courses each quarter.
  • The other TBA block; which changes each quarter.
  • Any two-hour block on Saturday.

Once your option is selected the OUR Scheduler will find a location for the exam to be proctored.

Scheduling final exam dates for non-UC Davis students

The OUR does not make arrangements for proctoring services; however, you or your students may contact enroll@uconline.edu for assistance in coordinating the proctoring for these exams. 

Registration Process

UC Davis student taking UC Davis online class: UC Davis students register for your online class just like they enroll in any other UC Davis class. UC Davis students will only see the sections for UC Davis students in Schedule Builder. 

UC Davis student taking an online class at another UC campus: UC Davis students register for online classes offered by other UC campuses by visiting the UC Cross-Campus Enrollment website.  There they can access a list of all the online courses being offered for the term.  Once they have chosen their class(s), they register at https://uconline.edu/search.

Other UC campus student taking UC Davis online class: Students from other UC campuses who wish to take your online class must register at https://uconline.edu/search.

Non-UC Davis students taking UC Davis online class: Students who are not matriculated at UC Davis but want to enroll in an online course can enroll via Open Campus if UC Davis is offering an online course they are interested in. The student can enroll through the Cross-Campus Enrollment Program as a non-matriculated student and they will have access to all online choices from all participating UC campuses.

Learning Management System

Communication with students: Communication with students in your online course can be done using Canvas. The UC Cross Enrollment Student Support Office can only support students using the Canvas LMS if they have questions or need assistance.

Submitting grades via LMS: Banner student records are currently created by staff in the OUR for all students taking an online course at UC Davis and a special CRN is created for the non-UC Davis section. Therefore, you will record grades for all students in the same way you submit grades for your UC Davis students. After the grading cycle has ended the OUR will send copies of each student’s grades to their Home campus. The Home campus then records those grades on their Home UC campus transcript. 

Grade changes: Since all students grades are in Banner you can use normal campus tools to submit grade changes. However, when changing a grade for students in one of your non-UC Davis sections you should also send a note to Kenzie Fairow* so she can follow up with the other campus involved and make sure the change gets recorded properly on both the Home and Host campus.

UC Cross-Campus Enrollment Support Resources

If you have questions or need support, please refer to the staff resources below. If you are not sure where to start please begin with your UC Davis contact in the Office of the University Registrar.*

Kenzie Fairow

UC CCEP Coordinator

UC Davis Office of the University Registrar*



Scheduling Unit

UC Davis Office of the University Registrar 


UC Cross-Campus Enrollment

Student Support 

  • General Assistance
  • Non-UC Davis student Add/Drops
  • LMS assistance

Kelli Cato

Assistant Director (located at UC Merced)

UC Cross-Campus Enrollment

  • Proctoring Assistance

