OUR is closed Mar 28, 2025, for César Chávez Day.

Education & Degree Verifications

Education Verifications

For Employers

UC Davis has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to act as its agent for purposes of education verification. This service is available only to students who are not All Records Confidential. The student’s name when enrolled and date of birth are required for identification purposes. For information, instructions, & fees, contact the National Student Clearinghouse.

For Students

Enrollment verifications are official documents from the UC Davis Office of the University Registrar, printed on letterhead and include the Office of the University Registrar's legal seal and the University Registrar's signature. Enrollment verifications provide information regarding enrollment status including the student's name, identification number, start and end dates of the selected quarter, full time or part-time enrollment status, and expected graduation date. The verification may contain other specific information such as GPA, enrollment history, or units for the term.

Enrollment verifications are unique to the quarter for which they are requested. Enrollment verifications are not transcripts and do not contain a complete list of courses, grades, and GPA for each term. If you require this information, see Official Academic Transcript.

Enrollment verifications are frequently used to verify enrollment status for eligibility for:

  • Financial aid and/or services such as health insurance.
  • Auto insurance.
  • County agencies.
  • Subsidized child care.
  • Loan deferments & scholarships; payment & remittance information.
  • GPA verifications are often used for scholarships and good student discounts; the Office of the University Registrar provides verification, including UC GPA, once grades are official for the quarter, approximately two-four weeks after the end of the term.
  • Class registration verifications display the registered courses (subject, course number, CRN, and course title) for the term.
  • Tuition and fee verifications display the combined amount of tuition, fees, and UC Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP)assessed for the term.

A student must be enrolled in classes for a given term in order for the Office of the University Registrar to provide enrollment verification for that term. If fees have not yet been paid for the term, the following notation appears:

This student is not considered a registered student for the term listed above. The student has enrolled in courses but has not paid fees for the term

Transfer Reports

Official transcripts contain the information needed for the Common Application, Coalition for College/SCOIR, or any other student transfer report. As of June 1, 2023, the Office of the University Registrar no longer completes the College Report for the Common Application or any other transfer report. The UC Davis official academic transcript contains the information requested. A Transfer Letter (PDF) confirms the change. Students may send this letter to the institution(s) of their choice. As of February 10, 2025, the Dean's Certification Requests are no longer being provided by the colleges.

For student conduct or disciplinary verifications, please contact the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA).

Degree Verifications

For Employers

UC Davis has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to act as its agent for purposes of degree verification. This service is available only to students who are not All Records Confidential. The student’s name when enrolled and date of birth are required for identification purposes. For information, instructions, & fees, contact the National Student Clearinghouse.

Student degrees are posted to student records approximately eight-twelve weeks after the end of the term in which they are graduating.

For Students

If a student has been approved by their college for graduation and a degree has been posted to their record (approximately eight–twelve weeks after the end of the term in which you graduate), the student can order a degree verification. Degree verifications display the degree completed without GPA, course titles or grades.

Many campus offices are involved in facilitating the degree awarding process, taking several months after the last day of the term to process in full, and therefore the Office of the University Registrar is unable to expedite or rush degree verification letters before all students graduating that term are officially degree awarded. 

If the student has not been awarded a degree and needs proof of the completion of their degree work, see Completion of Undergraduate Degree Requirements Verification, below.

Order an Enrollment Verification

To order an enrollment verification, complete the Enrollment Verification Request Form.

Verifications mailed directly to one of the following agencies do not require payment regardless of the student's Document Fee status: Housing & Urban Development, social security agencies, county agencies (re: income and expense), verification of family member enrollment for financial aid, subsidized or low-income housing, City of Davis or Parks & Recreation Day Care, loan deferment, Greater Avenues for Independence Network Social Services (GAIN) program, or scholarship letters to obtain money already awarded to you.

Verification Service Fees

Enrollment Verification

  • Delivery method. Order and pick up in person or standard first-class mail sent within one-three business days after receipt of verification request.
  • Cost per letter; student is covered by the Document Fee: $0
  • Cost per letter; student is NOT covered by the Document Fee: $15

Enrollment Verification mailed directly to approved agency; listed above

  • Delivery method. Standard first-class mail; sent within one-three business days after receipt of verification request.
  • Cost per letter; student is covered by the Document Fee: $0
  • Cost per letter; student is NOT covered by the Document Fee: $0

Enrollment Verification mailed directly to agency or authorized 3rd party not listed above

  • Delivery method. Standard first-class mail; sent within one-three business days after receipt of verification request.
  • Cost per letter; student is covered by the Document Fee: $15
  • Cost per letter; student is NOT covered by the Document Fee: $15

Completion of Undergraduate Degree Requirements Verification


Completion of Undergraduate Degree Requirements Verifications provides information regarding the completion of degree requirements prior to the official posting of that degree to a student's academic record. This verification may be requested by undergraduate students only who have filed to graduate and whose final grades are available for the student's last term of enrollment. Graduate and professional school students should consult their college or professional school for more information regarding a similar service. Completion of Undergraduate Degree Requirements Verifications is frequently requested for purposes of employment, promotion, and military commission; as well as admission to other programs, institutions or universities.

Verifications cannot be approved/processed until the student's final grades are in and all their courses needed for graduation are completed. For example, if a student is graduating and taking required courses towards their degree during their last term of enrollment, graduation cannot be approved by the student's dean's office until final grades are reported; usually about two weeks after the last day of finals. If the student's course work is not completed, the Office of the University Registrar is unable to expedite or rush verification letters. The Office of the University Registrar promptly processes letters after all final grades are reported and the dean's offices approve each student's graduation.

Completed letters are processed within three to eight weeks after the last term of enrollment.