In accordance with federal law and University policy, students with documented disabilities may be entitled to reasonable academic accommodations and services. Students are responsible for initiating contact with the Student Disability Center (SDC) to engage in an interactive process to determine eligibility for services. Once eligibility and services have been established, students may request accommodation via the Student Portal located on the SDC website. Letters of Accommodation (LOA) are generated electronically and available to instructors.
When the student makes a request for an LOA, the instructors are sent a notification to their university email and are directed to access the document through the Faculty Portal. The instructor and their department are responsible for providing test and most other in-class accommodations as specified in the LOA. If there are any questions or concerns about the accommodations, the instructor should consult with the SDC. In the event an instructor believes an accommodation(s) and/or academic adjustments may result in a fundamental alteration of the course or academic program please contact the SDC.
Providing reasonable accommodation(s) is a shared responsibility. We encourage students to request their accommodations as early in the quarter as possible to allow for a reasonable opportunity to evaluate the request and make arrangements. Please be aware that becoming eligible for academic accommodations and services is a fluid process. A student may become eligible at any time during the academic year.