ZSADEPT is a banner form that allows department schedulers to utilize to create, query, and update any course schedule information directly into the Banner system online. Updating capabilities for course scheduling are subject to "open maintenance window" timeframes coordinated with departments by the Academic Scheduling Coordinator in the Office of the University Registrar. 

To receive access to ZSADEPT, designated department schedulers are required to take the ZSADEPT Training for New Department Schedulers. This training is hosted by the scheduling team quarterly.

Refer to the instructions on adding, deleting, and modifying courses during maintenance access. Ensure that the scheduled course meets:

Remember to use the Alt+Page Down command to navigate in ZSADEPT from block to block and Tab to navigate within blocks. Tabbing is the only way the required automatic fill-ins will display. Save changes in each block before navigating to the next block.

The following training resources can be found at Scheduling Resources

  • Quarterly Meeting recordings
  • ZSADEPT Training Manual
  • ZSADEPT Training Videos and documents

ZSADEPT Scheduling Reminders

  • Maintenance access dates to ZSADEPT are provided for each quarter based on deadlines. Update access to the “Instructor Block” remains open until the last day of instruction.
  • For variable-unit course sections, only the “000” section should be set to print (Print indicator = Yes). Numbered sections should not be set to print (Print indicator is blank). The “Print in Class Schedule” field is in Course Section Information of ZSADEPT. These sections cannot be utilize for enrollments.
  • Be sure to indicate an enrollment limit in the “Maximum” field. This is necessary for registration and required by Ad Astra for assigning a general assignment classroom.
  • Restrictions text must be reviewed every term, major restrictions must be specified in text and restrictions must follow the restriction text formatting. 
  • Delete any and all courses/sections not being offered. Do not set the course "not to print" or leave a zero '0' max enrollment, no meeting time and no instructor - the course will still appear offered even though there is no information available. Students would still be able to add to the waitlist.
  • Press Ctrl+e to clear the Building and Room fields in the Meeting Time block. You must remove location data to proceed with day and/or time adjustments.
  • Leaving or entering data in the building or room field prevents Ad Astra from assigning a general assignment classroom.
  • When scheduling “COM” (multiple activity) courses in the Meeting Time block, be sure to enter the appropriate schedule type in the “Schedule Type” field in the order sequence approved on the course approval form. Use the drop-down button, or double-select in the space to see the options.
  • Special requests regarding room preferences must be made on the “Special Requests” tab, and must be entered each quarter during open maintenance window.