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- Type ZSADEPT in the Direct Access field to access the Schedule Form.
- Enter the term code in the Term field. Tab to the Course Reference Number (CRN) field.
- Select the “Create CRN” icon to add a new course. (If the icon is not active, type “ADD” in the CRN block and press Ctrl+Page Down).
- Enter the course information beginning with Subject by tabbing through the form and entering: Subject, TAB, course number, TAB, section number, if you do not know the section number, search for existing sections before proceeding to add a new section (see bullet steps below). Enter the section number, TAB, to schedule type and enter, (use pull down menu if needed) TAB to maximum enrollment, leave print block active or uncheck for a variable unit do not print course)—refer to ZSADEPT Schedule Form for block and field descriptions.
- In the section block press F9 or use the pull down menu tab to initiate a query.
- The Schedule Section Query Form (SSASECQ) will load.
- Press F8 to execute the query.
- When you have retrieved the information, exit the form by selecting the Exit icon (X) or press Ctrl+Q.
- Save changes (F10 or select the Save [disk] icon or Save under the File menu). The generated CRN will appear in the CRN block at the top right corner of the form and status changes to Open.
- Proceed to the Meeting Time block on the next page by pressing Ctrl+Page Down. Tab and enter the course's schedule; days and times the course will meet (remember to use military time), and the Schedule Type. For a variable unit course with a TBA schedule, tab through and enter the Schedule Type (if it did not auto fill) and Hours per Week (remember to match the number in the Session Credit Hours block).
- Press F10 to save your changes.
- Move to the Instructor block by pressing Ctrl+Page Down.
- “The Staff” will automatically fill for you. If you want to leave “The Staff”, press F10 to save your changes.
- If you are ready to insert the actual instructor, delete “The Staff” using Shift+F6.
- Tab to the ID field and enter the instructor's ID number or refer to the instructor information section to find the ID.
- Press F10 to save your changes. Confirm that all of the course section information is correct. To continue, use the “Rollback” icon or press Shift+F7 to proceed with another course. To Exit, press Ctrl+Q or use the “Exit” icon to close the Schedule Form.