Information about grade modes and In-Progress grading is found at Academic Records/Grades and the Faculty Guide.
Grading Mode: Select the appropriate grade mode. In the Course Contents (Expanded Course Description), explain how the grade will be determined.
In-Progress Grading/Deferred Grading: See Grades under Academic Records for In-Progress grading information. If this course is structured with in-progress grading, select YES and complete all fields in this section.
In-Progress Grading Type: In the Summary of Course Contents in the Expanded Course Description, explain how the In-Progress grade will be determined; Deferred or Multi-Term.
Series Start Term: Start term for a deferred or multi-term graded course sequence. Select from drop-down list. This range will appear the same on all courses involved with the sequence. This selection should reflect the entire course sequence, not just this course.
Series End Term: End term for a deferred or multi-term graded course sequence. Select from drop-down list. This selection should reflect the entire course sequence, not just this course.