Search All ICMS Records
Use your CAS authentication to log in to ICMS; If you don't have access, contact
Displayed are courses saved by the user as Drafts or submitted to the workflow. If the user has never created a proposal, no courses are displayed.
Select Curriculum, then Course.

The My Courses radio button is selected by default and the statuses selected are Draft and In Review. To search all course records, change this.

- Select the My Institution radio button.
- Clear the Status filter, and then choose Select None.
- Use the Title/Course # field to search for specific courses.
- You can search by a word in the title.
- You can search for a course number or partial course number, like ABC 1 to list all 100 series courses for subject ABC. Use leading zeros for courses under 100, like 007.
- Search will also take the % character as a wild card.
- Status definitions:
- Active. Courses appear in the catalog.
- Historical. Past active records.
- In Review. Proposals in a workflow.
- Draft. Proposals not yet launched to a workflow.
- To sort columns, select a column header.

The ICMS logo, in the upper left corner, returns the user to this page from anywhere in the system.
Approval Queue View & Search
Approvals needing an action display an orange number indicator next to Approvals. Notification emails are sent from; add this to your trusted email senders.
Similar to the home page, the Approvals page has various filters and search functions.

Courses highlighted red with Yes in the Pending Changes column have been returned to the Initiator by the Chair for corrections.
- The Chair user makes the Request Change action to allow the originator to update the form.
- Originators access the form through the Approvals queue to make updates then use the Changes Made action to return it to the Chair level.
- Chair-level users can update the course form without performing the Request Change action. If the Chair uses Request Change for a course where they are also the Originator, they will see the proposal twice in their Approvals.
For more information, see the Approvals documentation.
Viewing ICMS Course Forms
Reports Icon
The right column of the search results has a Reports icon; use this icon to open a new browser tab with a report of the course information.
View a Course Record
Once you have found the record you are looking for, select the row.
The proposal workflow history appears.
For courses approved prior to June 2016, no history exits.
For courses approved in the current ICMS system, or that are in review, the workflow history displays.

Not all users assigned are required to take action, so ignore Skipped actions.
The Status tab provides a visual representation of the proposal workflow steps.
To open the course form, use the View Course Proposal button. To open the Course Outline, Use the Reports menu.
When the form opens, the left side shows the course title, status, and the different tabs containing the course information.