These pages are not yet started or not moved to the first workflow step.
Updated: 2/4/2025
Advanced Placement (AP) Credit & Chart | /academic-information-policies-regulations/academic-credit/advanced-placement-ap-examinations/index.html | INFO AP Examinations (Christa Clark (crclark)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
American History & Institutions Requirement | /undergraduate-education/university-degree-requirements/american-history-institutions-requirement/index.html | LS American History Institutions (Mary Vasquez (mpvasquez)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
American Studies | /departments-programs-degrees/american-studies/index.html | LS American Studies Major Minor (Abigail Ibarra-Iglesias (abiibarra)) | Not Yet Started |
American Studies, Bachelor of Arts | /departments-programs-degrees/american-studies/american-studies-ab/index.html | LS American Studies Major Minor (Abigail Ibarra-Iglesias (abiibarra)) | Not Yet Started |
American Studies, Minor | /departments-programs-degrees/american-studies/american-studies-minor/index.html | LS American Studies Major Minor (Abigail Ibarra-Iglesias (abiibarra)) | Not Yet Started |
Avian Sciences (Graduate Group) | /departments-programs-degrees/avian-sciences-graduate-group/index.html | AES Avian Sciences MA Grad (Jennie Buse (jlbuse)) | Not Yet Started |
Avian Sciences, Master of Science | /departments-programs-degrees/avian-sciences-graduate-group/avian-sciences-ms/index.html | AES Avian Sciences MA Grad (Jennie Buse (jlbuse)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Cultural Studies, Doctor of Philosophy | /departments-programs-degrees/cultural-studies/cultural-studies-phd/index.html | LS Cultural Studies Grad (Kaitlin Dabdoub (kndabdoub)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Cultural Studies, Master of Arts | /departments-programs-degrees/cultural-studies/cultural-studies-ma/index.html | LS Cultural Studies Grad (Kaitlin Dabdoub (kndabdoub)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Dramatic Art, Master of Fine Arts | /departments-programs-degrees/theatre-dance/dramatic-art-mfa/index.html | LS Dramatic Art Grad (Ariel Collatz (acollatz), Rachelle Agundes (ragundes)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Electrical & Computer Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy | /departments-programs-degrees/electrical-computer-engineering/electrical-computer-engineering-phd/index.html | ENG Electrical Computer Engineering Grad (Ileana Oseguera (ioseguera), Michelle Walker (mtwalker)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Electrical & Computer Engineering, Master of Science | /departments-programs-degrees/electrical-computer-engineering/electrical-computer-engineering-ms/index.html | ENG Electrical Computer Engineering Grad (Ileana Oseguera (ioseguera), Michelle Walker (mtwalker)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) | /undergraduate-education/university-degree-requirements/entry-level-writing/index.html | INFO Entry Level Writing Requirement (Trish Serviss (pcserviss)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Feminist Theory & Research, Designated Emphasis | /departments-programs-degrees/designated-emphasis-phd/feminist-theory-research-de/index.html | DE Feminist Theory Research DE (Abigail Ibarra-Iglesias (abiibarra)) | Not Yet Started |
Food Science & Technology | /departments-programs-degrees/food-science-technology/index.html | AES Food Science Major (Elizabeth Price (emprice), Jordan Dade (jwdade), Janette Gonzalez (jlmgonzalez), Jordan Dade (jwdade)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Forensic Science (Graduate Group) | /departments-programs-degrees/forensic-science/index.html | GRAD Forensic Science Grad (Brianna Payne (bmpayne)) | Not Yet Started |
Forensic Science, Master of Science | /departments-programs-degrees/forensic-science/forensic-science-ms/index.html | GRAD Forensic Science Grad (Brianna Payne (bmpayne)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies | /departments-programs-degrees/gender-sexuality-womens-studies/index.html | LS Gender Sexuality Womens Studies Major Minor (Abigail Ibarra-Iglesias (abiibarra)) | Not Yet Started |
Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies, Bachelor of Arts | /departments-programs-degrees/gender-sexuality-womens-studies/gender-sexuality-womens-studies-ab/index.html | LS Gender Sexuality Womens Studies Major Minor (Abigail Ibarra-Iglesias (abiibarra)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies, Minor | /departments-programs-degrees/gender-sexuality-womens-studies/gender-sexuality-womens-studies-minor/index.html | LS Gender Sexuality Womens Studies Major Minor (Abigail Ibarra-Iglesias (abiibarra)) | Not Yet Started |
General Education (GE) Requirements | /undergraduate-education/university-degree-requirements/general-education-ge-requirements/index.html | INFO General Education GE Requirements (Mary Vasquez (mpvasquez)) | Not Yet Started |
Health Informatics (Graduate Group) | /departments-programs-degrees/health-informatics/index.html | GRAD Health Informatics Grad (Amber Carrere (acarrere), Kristyn Keylon (knkeylon)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Health Informatics, Master of Science | /departments-programs-degrees/health-informatics/health-informatics-ms/index.html | GRAD Health Informatics Grad (Amber Carrere (acarrere), Kristyn Keylon (knkeylon)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Independent Study Program | /additional-education-opportunities/independent-study-program/index.html | INFO Independent Study Program Info (Mary Vasquez (mpvasquez)) | Not Yet Started |
International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit & Chart | /academic-information-policies-regulations/academic-credit/international-baccalaureate-ib-examinations/index.html | INFO IB Examinations (Christa Clark (crclark)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Internship Program | /additional-education-opportunities/internship-program/index.html | INFO Internship Program (Marcie Kirk-Holland (makirk)) | Not Yet Started |
Letters & Science | /undergraduate-education/college-degree-requirements/letters-science/index.html | LS UnderGraduate Education (Mark Foncannon (mjfoncannon), Pa Done Yang (pdeyang)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Letters & Science, Bachelor of Arts, Individual | /departments-programs-degrees/individual-major/ls-ab/index.html | LS Individual Major LS Major (Mark Foncannon (mjfoncannon), Pa Done Yang (pdeyang)) | Not Yet Started |
Letters & Science, Bachelor of Science, Individual | /departments-programs-degrees/individual-major/ls-bs/index.html | LS Individual Major LS Major (Mark Foncannon (mjfoncannon), Pa Done Yang (pdeyang)) | Not Yet Started |
Linguistics, Minor | /departments-programs-degrees/linguistics/general-linguistics-minor/index.html | LS General Linguistics Minor (Jessie Murray (jesmurray), Lea Harlev (lharlev)) | Not Yet Started |
Music, Doctor of Philosophy | /departments-programs-degrees/music/music-phd/index.html | LS Music Major Minor Grad (Ariel Collatz (acollatz), Vincent Cheng (vhcheng), Marian Bilheimer (mlbilheimer)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Music, Master of Arts | /departments-programs-degrees/music/music-ma/index.html | LS Music Major Minor Grad (Ariel Collatz (acollatz), Vincent Cheng (vhcheng), Marian Bilheimer (mlbilheimer)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Native American Studies | /departments-programs-degrees/native-american-studies/index.html | LS Native American Studies Major Minor Grad (Jeremiah Thompson (jthompso)) | Not Yet Started |
Native American Studies, Bachelor of Arts | /departments-programs-degrees/native-american-studies/native-american-studiies-ab/index.html | LS Native American Studies Major Minor Grad (Jeremiah Thompson (jthompso)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Native American Studies, Minor | /departments-programs-degrees/native-american-studies/native-american-studies-minor/index.html | LS Native American Studies Major Minor Grad (Jeremiah Thompson (jthompso)) | Not Yet Started |
Performance Studies (Graduate Group) | /departments-programs-degrees/performance-studies-graduate-group/index.html | LS Performance Studies Grad (Marian Bilheimer (mlbilheimer)) | Not Yet Started |
Performance Studies, Doctor of Philosophy | /departments-programs-degrees/performance-studies-graduate-group/performance-studies-phd/index.html | LS Performance Studies Grad (Marian Bilheimer (mlbilheimer)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |
Sexuality Studies, Minor | /departments-programs-degrees/gender-sexuality-womens-studies/sexuality-studies-minor/index.html | LS Sexuality Studies Minor (Abigail Ibarra-Iglesias (abiibarra)) | Not Yet Started |
Shared Pages | /shared/index.html | Randall Maynard (rmaynard) | No Status |
Social, Ethnic & Gender Relations, Minor | /departments-programs-degrees/asian-american-studies/social-ethnic-gender-relations-minor/index.html | LS Social Ethnic Gender Relations Minor (Katherine Ampaw-Matthei (kampaw), Abigail Ibarra-Iglesias (abiibarra)) | Not Yet Started |
UC Center Sacramento | /additional-education-opportunities/uc-center-sacramento/index.html | INFO UC Center Sacramento (Cindy Simmons (csimmons)) | Not Yet Started |
Viticulture & Enology, Master of Science | /departments-programs-degrees/viticulture-enology-graduate-group/viticulture-enology-ms/index.html | GRAD Viticulture Enology Grad (Elizabeth Price (emprice)) | Modified, Workflow Not Started |