Instructional & Room Resources

Each classroom is equipped with at least the following:

  • Instructor table & chair.
  • Podium or table top lectern.
  • Document camera.
  • Data projector.
  • Projection screen or monitors.
  • One or more blackboards/whiteboards.

For detailed information on:

To request Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations, aids, or auxiliary services, contact the Classroom Hotline at 530-752-3333 or the Student Disability Center at 530-752-3184.

Academic Technology Services. Technology services for instructors, including classroom media training, equipment loan, lecture capture, and more.

Keep Teaching. Provides concise, practical resources, and strategies for teaching during remote/closure circumstances.

Computer Room Information. Information & Educational Technology’s computer room guide. Information on schedules, locations, hours, software, and hardware.

The Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) provides faculty, teaching assistants, and postdoctoral scholars with evidence-based and equity-focused instructional strategies and programming. CEE offers consultations, courses, learning communities, workshops, grant-funding, learning analytics, student learning outcomes assessment and web resources to advance teaching at UC Davis. For more information, see the Center for Educational Effectiveness or contact