Olive harvest at Seka Hills in Winters, CA
Office of the University Registrar (OUR)

Final Examinations

You can view your final exam schedule for the term on Schedule Builder.

The times shown in Final Examination Schedule, below, indicate regular quarterly meeting times of the lecture. The Final Exam Period Groupings table indicates which exam period grouping to observe for all classes based on its meeting pattern.

Examinations are held in the same room used for class meetings during the quarter unless there is a room conflict. In these cases, a room will be assigned by the Office of the University Registrar and announced to the class, prior to the examination time, by the instructor.

Classes that do not fit into any combination of meeting times as noted are known as to-be-announced (TBA) finals. The time, date, and place of examinations of these classes are arranged by the Office of the University Registrar. Instructors will notify their students of the time, date and location.

Final Exams for Elementary/Intermediate Foreign Languages; WLD 057E, P, S (College Writing–SCC P, S), and University Writing Program 07M, 021–022; WLD 055M (Algebra Review–SCC 170M); WLD 041C (Preparatory Chem–SCC 110C); CHE 002ABC; and PHY 007ABC are in "special groups" as noted in the Final Examination Chart below.

Students wishing to adjust their final exam schedule because of multiple exams on the same day must make arrangements with the instructors of the courses. Students are responsible for ensuring they do not have conflicting exams. There is no regulation mandating a change.

Information and final examination policies are located in Davis Division Regulation 538, Examinations.

Accommodation for Disabilities. In accordance with current law, students with documented disabilities may be entitled to in-class accommodations. For more information, see Student Disability Center.

Religious Observances. UC Davis seeks to accommodate any student who, in observance of their religious creed, encounters an unavoidable conflict with a test or examination schedule. The student is responsible for providing written notification of a potential conflict to the individual responsible for administering the examination and requesting accommodation. Instructors will consider such requests on a case-by-case basis and determine whether the conflict can be resolved without imposing undue hardship on the instructor or the other students in the class. If so, the instructor will determine, in consultation with the student, a time the student can take the test or examination without incurring a penalty or violating the student's religious creed. For more details, see the UC Davis Policy, Chapter 210, Section 50.